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Message of Board of Directors

Dear Customers and Colleagues,

This website has been designed for dissemination of information services, dialogue, get-together, co-thinking and scientific and practical cooperation in line with fulfilling activities better, gaining your satisfaction and steering duties appropriately that have been delegated to us for conducting high voltage substations and industrial projects.

Benefited from long years of experience and technical know-how of more than 350 expert manpower and the most experienced engineers and executive functionaries of various fields, Faraniroo Engineering Company has managed to install TURNKEY projects in the field of construction of high-voltage substations, And electrification of heavy industries

In the long run of its 20-year nonstop activity, the company has taken effective steps with the aim of gaining satisfaction of customers, staff, manpower and founders of the company simultaneously.

We will be glad if visitors of our website convey their constructive complaints and proposals to the attention of management of the company. Undoubtedly, mutual cooperation and collaboration and reminding work shortfalls and bottlenecks through both customers and colleagues can be constructive with the aim of removal of problems. Under such circumstances, the company can satisfy both customers and staff consecutively and increasingly.